Top Trumps: Sea Life in Danger


Dive into Top Trumps: Sea Life in Danger, a thrilling card game showcasing thirty awe-inspiring marine animals! Battle it out with categories like Weight, Defenses, and Endangerment to determine the top sea creature. With custom bios on each card, you’ll learn fascinating facts while having a blast. Will the Seahorse’s Endangerment status or the Starfish’s Depth stat lead you to victory?

What You Need to Know:

  • Age Guide: Suitable for ages 6 and up.
  • What Can It Do?: Educates players on marine biology, geography, and ecology while challenging them to outsmart opponents and become the Top Trump.
  • Size: 14 x 9 x 2 cm
  • Material: Durable plastic case with high-quality cards
  • What's Included in the Box:
    • Deck of Sea Life in Danger Top Trumps cards and a plastic carry case