Makedo Cardboard Hardware - DISCOVER


This is the ultimate cardboard construction kit for your squad.

Be it family or friends, young or old, solo, duo or more.. this toolbox contains all the age suitable tools needed to collaborate and make just about anything from up-cycled cardboard.

Imagine costumes, vehicles, forts and creatures! An immersive, hack-able world of your own making is at your fingertips. This toolbox has every tool in the Makedo arsenal so you and your crew can perfect the art of cardboard construction.

Kids love their boxes! Gift them this starter toolbox of Makedo to take that love of making and play into another realm of imagination.

This is pure, no-tech (but tech-friendly*) fun for girls and boys. * incorporate other tech maker products to add movement and light to your creations

What you need to know:

  • 2 x SAFE-SAW - Steel blade with no sharp edges to swiftly saw cardboard.
  • 1 x FOLD-ROLLER - Perforate lines to sculpt like a pro.
  • 1 x SCRU-DRIVER - Connect cardboard as simply as righty tighty, lefty loosey.
  • 90 x SCRU - Connects up to three layers of corrugated cardboard.
  • 30 x SCRU+ - Connects up to six layers of corrugated cardboard.

Ages 4 +